Making things better.
We work to make things better for marginalised people in Belfast and beyond
Our mission.
We will demonstrate that Another World is possible, by addressing the symptoms of inequality, and also it’s causes, with practical, secular projects based on community, creativity and collaboration to make happier humans.
Our vision.
Another world is possible, one in which happiness and joy are found, when we can learn to work together, to ensure everyone has enough.
Our values.
What does ‘SHOW SOME LOVE’ mean in practice?
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”- Socrates.
Do no harm- It’s impossible to exist in this world without unknowingly causing harm, however we can do our best to minimise the harm done where we can. We aim to take environment, modern slavery, and protection of vulnerable people to the top of priorities. It’s a careful balance, and we don’t always get it right, but we’ll do our best.
Take no shit – We hold strong boundaries. If one is crossed, we ‘call in’ and have a conversation when we feel it’s our place to do so. Occasionally when accountability isn’t taken, we will use our social channels to invite public discussion on the matter.
Secularism – We believe that church and state should be separate. We are working to provide a viable alternative to current provisions in both the 3rd sector, where organised religion has taken up an uncontested stronghold in the name of evangelism. We believe this to be exploitation of vulnerable people. We are not anti-religion, we just believe it should be practised privately or in specific designated spaces, such as churches, mosques, and we will always speak out against those organisations that are anti LGBT, sadly this is 95% of religions, but importantly, not all.
Socialism – This term is far from a dirty word. It’s about compassion, fairness, and recognising our privileges. Most people hold socialist values but don’t realise it, as they’ve fallen foul of the billionaire owned red top media and pro capitalist propaganda. Or they’re simply greedy, and scared. Socialists are people who truly believe in equality. That everyone has the same rights, and that a fairer world for all, one where we work together, instead of being in competition with each other is a happier life for everyone.
Inclusivity - We wish to be inclusive to all communities, so personal opinions that may offend or exclude entire communities remain that, personal, and they stay off site. We aim not to discuss local partisan politics. However, we can all agree that the Tories are twats. We are ardent allies to our trans siblings. We have a zero-tolerance approach to racism, ableism, transphobia, or homophobia. We are happy to inform, discuss or answer questions in a safe space if there’s anything you don’t understand or want to discuss if it comes from a good place.
Honesty – we speak the truth, always. We believe that lack of honest communication and inability to share opinions and feedback is harming society, individual and relationships. There is no such thing as a ‘white lie’. We operate with full transparency for wages, costs etc. We model the use of these 3 phrases in every day life, we have a two strike rule in working with anyone who cannot embrace these phrases as behaviours in life:
• I don’t know the answer
• Sorry, I made a mistake/was incorrect
• Can you help me?
Excellence– We only present projects, and work that is excellent. We don’t do anything ‘half-assed’. If it takes a bit longer, or costs a bit more, we wait, or we save. We believe that as a society, it’s on us to provide more if someone has fallen on hard times, not less. In our consumerist society, there’s no shortage of stuff. Just a shortage of people equipped to manage it. We fill that gap and we ban the following phrases.
• “Beggars can’t be choosers”
• “It would do someone”
• “You’d appreciate it if you had nothing”
Gratitude- We actively practice gratitude. We aim to see the opportunities in failures. We understand our privileges and use them to elevate others.
Ego– We work to understand how the ego operates, and how not to be led by it. We try to use this knowledge to understand the motivations of others and not be offended or frustrated when their egos are leading.
Hustle- We carry out most manual work ourselves. We work hard and appreciate the privilege of being able to do that. We know how to negotiate, and we are fortunate to have the support of our community so often we can save money on labour, or services.
Practical- We first ask what is needed, our projects must fulfill a gap or elevate an existing provision. We don’t compete, we complete.
Collectivism- We aim to include other groups, the environment, and think as a society, rather than individuals. We share our platform at every opportunity, and we strongly believe that when we work together we all achieve better outcomes.
Fun– We will bring joy, energy, and creativity into all that we do, although we are deadly serious about our work we avoid worthiness or solemnity at all times.